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Радоновые воды - лечебное средство. Применяется в целях терапии и профилактики многих, серьёзных нарушений функций организма.  
Мануальные, гидромассажи, а так же другие виды лечебного массажа придадут Вам бодрости и избавят от многих проблем.
Мин. воды 
Минеральные воды улучшат работу кишечника и избавят от ряда болезней. Источник открыт в 1857 году.
Professionals Автор: Joomla!
Категория: Joomla! Дата публикации Просмотров: 21064

Joomla! 2.5 continues development of the Joomla Framework and CMS as a powerful and flexible way to bring your vision of the web to reality. With the administrator now fully MVC, the ability to control its look and the management of extensions is now complete.

Working with multiple template styles and overrides for the same views, creating the design you want is easier than it has ever been. Limiting support to PHP 5.2.4 and above makes Joomla lighter and faster than ever. Languages files can now be overridden without having your changes lost during an upgrade.  With the proper xml your users update extensions with a single click.

Access control lists are now incorporated using a new system developed for Joomla. The ACL system is designed with developers in mind, so it is easy to incorporate into your extensions. The new nested sets libraries allow you to incorporate infinitely deep categories but also to use nested sets in a variety of other ways.

A new forms library makes creating all kinds of user interaction simple. MooTools 1.3 provides a highly flexible javascript framework that is a major advance over MooTools 1.0.

New events throughout the core make integration of your plugins where you want them a snap.

The separation of the Joomla! Platform project from the Joomla! CMS project makes continuous development of new, powerful APIs  and continuous improvement of existing APIs possible while maintaining the stability of the CMS that millions of webmasters and professionals rely upon.

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